Friday, January 16, 2015

Chronology III - Time for Tanks (aka, kids will be kids, maybe)

Once the stands were completed we could move on to the relatively straightforward task of putting the empty 600 gallon tanks up onto the stands.They are fairly light, but obviously big and bulky. Before they can be put into use they need to be thoroughly rinsed with bleach (hypochlorite), both to remove any dust or plastic powder remnant, and to provide an initial antibacterial coating on the inside of the tanks. Again, fairly easy to do, you just dump in a gallon of bleach into the tank, turn it over on it's side and roll it around for a few cycles. Well, I figures that this might be a 'window of opportunity' for community engagement. We would dump the bleach into the tanks, start rolling them across the open field ourselves and then get the kids in the community to do the rolling. The tanks themselves are fairly light, and once you establish a bit of momentum, they can roll pretty fast. Fun, no? So, we toss in the bleach, secure the cover hatch, tilt the tank on its side and start to roll. I gesture to a few of the kids. You know, a couple of ragtag 9 or 10 year olds, reminds me of the little rascals. Do you think a single one of them came over? Not one. They sat there. I gestured to join us. They shook their heads. I gestured some more. More head shaking. I thought maybe if some our younger group members pitched in they would respond, so I called Anna and Tom over. Nothing. They just sat and watched. I gave up. Eventually, Anna, Tom, Me, Scott and Ramon, faithful old Ramon, pushed the two tanks around the field until the job was done.

What the little buttheads did enjoy was using my phones to listen to my iPod.
Rocking it out with a little Clapton!!!

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