Friday, October 21, 2016

Slide Show Nov. 2nd - Leftovers

Now, I suppose this is really corny but, when I was a kid, one of my favorite TV shows was a travelogue called "Journey to Adventure - With Gunther Less". To prepare for this I entry I looked up some stuff about it and it turns out that it was the second longest running show in American TV history on air for 39 years. Pretty impressive. Old Gunther died in Sarasota, Florida in 2011 at the age of 90. Not too bad. So what does this have to do with anything? Well, in sort of the spirit of that show I will host a slide show of my trip to Nicaragua on Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:00 at the Hickory BBQ on Rt. 28 in Kingston.

I figure it will run 45 minutes or so then we can hang out and socialize for a bit. Engineers Without Borders students will be there and we will also try to have some affiliated stuff from Aquasphere Water Group (the Panama Water project). Maybe even some amusements. Oh, and by the way, I am trying to figure out what culture made the statue up in the photo and both the Aztecs and the Maya were present in the pre-Columbian Nicaraguan central highlands. If you know about this, show up and tell us.

If you cannot attend but wish to contribute to EWB here is the link:

Anything you can do will help - we are currently managing two projects - closing out Panama water and preliminary assessment of Nicaragua - so costs mount quickly.

Thanks for the support - See you in a few weeks!

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