Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The New Team

As I previously wrote, the preliminary team was Me (Assistant Construction Lead) and Chip Kilduff (Quality Assurance Lead) as mentors, with Mike Kubista as student project lead and 4 students to be added. The final lineup has been announced and here's how it looks:

Mariana Cintron - Translator
Elizabeth Kwon - PMEL Lead
Mike Kubista - Construction Lead
Tim Andrews - Assistant Construction Lead
Frank Sokolowski - Education Lead

January 4th is less than two months away. For me it means getting through the holidays and taking the extra on-call so I can be away for much of January. Much less packing as most of my stuff from last year was neatly stored away for easy use; all the first aid kit was restocked. For the students it means the last 6 weeks of the semester with finals and all of the stuff that comes with being a student.

On the plus side, I am going back a veteran and have a much clearer view of the things I would like to do. The scope of the project is smaller and should require a little less of the hands on that I gave last year. I want to take lots more photos and get them posted up to the blog really quickly this time - none of this after the fact stuff. I really want to spend more time with the people in the community and get to know them better and have a little fun with them. I would like to try to get them to understand the value of clean drinking water and improved hygiene but I don't have a clear plan for that as of yet. We should definitely challenge them to volleyball.

It is gently raining out now and the experimental tank is slowly filling - hopefully by the morning it will be full and I can dose it with bleach and mix. We'll see how good those paper calculations turn out!

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