Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Hurley Rainwater Research Center

Last week it occurred to me that, while we have carefully done the calculations to determine the amount of bleach to be added to each 55 gallon drum to achieve a level of chlorine that will kill bacteria yet not leave an unpleasant taste (WHO  recommends 2.5 mg/liter, US EPA less than 4 mg/liter) it might be nice to see if our calculations are on the mark. Not only would it validate our calculations it would give us experience using the system and doing real-world chlorine residual tests. I ran it by the major honchos (Mike, Frank and Chip) and all thought it was a pretty good idea. Chip also added that different water sources pose different chlorine demands depending on level of bacterial contamination. I figured I was in a pretty good position to at least do a rainwater sample as my downgutters are equipped with diverters for rain barrels. Borrowing an empty 55 gallon drum from dialysis (and thoroughly rinsing it out) the Hurley Rainfall Research Center was born. Following the next sizable rain the protocol states to add 9.1 ml of regular strength (5.25%) commercial bleach to the barrel.

Now, to wait for the next rain event. Unfortunately, according to the National Weather Service we are looking clear for the next 5-7 days. I'm sure it will rain sometime between now and January.

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