Friday, December 30, 2016

Panama - It's Like Coming Home.

We left yesterday at 10:30 am from a lovely snowstorm which had pretty much turned to rain by the time we hit the Thruway. No problem boarding or at the gate but the flight down itself left quite a bit to be desired. Across the aisle from me, not one but two guys with some of the worst sleep apnea I have ever had the privilege to be party to. It was like they were playing "snore volleyball"; one guy would go at it for a couple of honks before going somnolent then the other would start up from his side of the court. Adding to the merriment was a little old demented lady, traveling by herself, who would get up every 15 or 20 minutes to inform the flight attendant that she wanted to get off the plane. (They were really lovely in gently re-directing her back to her seat and comforting her). And just for good measure there was an infant or two somewhere toward the back adding to the din. Now, I could have managed this better by pulling my Bose QC noise cancelling headphones on, but I was just too lazy and kept hoping it would eventually quiet down. Thus, the price of inaction.

Aside from that it really was unremarkable. We arrived in Panama City a bit late (8:30 pm), got a cab out to Gamboa and made it to the Hotel in time to check on and catch the last 15 minutes of their dinner buffet. This really was nice as we were tired and hungry. Went straight to bed and slept like the dead. And here is my morning view - early morning view of the Chagres River Valley,the grounds of The Gamboa Rainforest Resort and our room. Not sure what the agenda is bu I would love to go down to the visitors center at Mirflores this afternoon, watch the ships transit, shop in the gift shop (pick up my annual Panama Canal calendar) and have dinner at their restaurant, "The Atlantic and Pacific". We shall see. I'll keep you posted.

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